Our story begins with the SHIBU Twin Sisters, Yin and Yan, who crashed-landed in the Nevada Desert years ago. The Army takes them as prisoners due to their unique features and uses them for countless experiments, trying to recreate their breed of SHIBUs.
Over the course of 14 months, the scientist conducted tests on a total of 8998 test subjects, a combination of a female Shiba Inu Dog and DNA from a female fox, to create their own SHIBUs. One fateful day, test subject #412 escapes from her cage and frees Yin, Yan and the rest of the test subjects. Together, the 9000 SHIBUs escape the Army Base and flee into the deep forest, where they build a small village and start their own community, named SHIBU Society.
In SHIBU Society, each SHIBU has their own life, personality, hobby, and responsibility, with their own ecosystem and they have $YINDAO as their own form of payment.
As the SHIBUs continue to enjoy their newly found freedom, a sinister plan is being orchestrated by the Army Base to get Yin and Yan back together with the rest of the SHIBUs.